Category Archives: Community

First Aid – What to do if someone if injured on the trail!

Prairie Riders hosted a first aid presentation for snowmobilers at 6 p.m., Wednesday, January 17, 2024 (before our meeting at 7 p.m.) at the Brat Stop.

Lt. Mark Ericson from the Bristol Fire Department gave us an introduction to trail side first aid with an emphasis on “Stopping the Bleed”. Bristol Fire and Rescue is willing to teach anyone interested in this topic or learning CPR, fire safety, etc. Just reach out to them. Here are a few photos from the presentation.

Oh what fun we have! Christmas 2023

On Wednesday, December 20th, 2023, the club gathered to celebrate the holiday season together. Over 80 members attended the dinner at The Birchwood Grill in Kenosha. Santa made a visit and all children 12 and under received a present! The club held silent auctions, raffles and did a collection of items and money for Women and Children’s Horizons, a local charity that helps victims of sexual violence and abuse. We collected over $500 cash and hundreds of dollars worth of items! It was a great night for our amazing club!

Corporate Sponsors Sought

Businesses have the opportunity to support snowmobiling by becoming a corporate sponsor. Any business can become a Prairie Riders Corporate Sponsor for $50. By doing this, you not only belong to one of the largest and most active snowmobile clubs in the area, but you also become a sponsor of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) and receive a host of benefits for very little expense.

Commercial Sponsor Benefits for Businesses

Locally – Attracts and increases customer base all year long! Snowmobilers support businesses that support snowmobiling.
Politically – Builds political capital. Elected officials support businesses that support the community.
Statewide Advertising – Get your hyperlink on the AWSC website and two commercial sponsor pull-outs in Wisconsin Snowmobile News magazine.
AWSC Benefits – Corporate sponsors receive all AWSC membership benefits offered to individual and family Memberships.
• 7 WSN Magazines – includes 2 Commercial Sponsor Pull-Outs
• Complimentary $3,000 AD&D Insurance policy
• $10 Trail Pass
• Commercial Business Decal to display in their business

Corporate members become full members of our club and enjoy all our fun activities! We also will highlight your business in our club newsletter.

If you would like to join us, please fill out our Corporate Sponsorship/membership form. The form will take you to a PayPal payment page after you submit the form. (You do not need a PayPal account to use this.) After receiving your completed Corporate Sponsorship form, we will submit your business to the AWSC.