prairie riders snowmobile club pleasant prairie, wi Tue, 10 Sep 2024 13:08:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 61908028 Why Not Wednesdays – Keeping in touch through the summer months! Mon, 17 Jun 2024 18:16:06 +0000 We had a great time at Lily Lake Resort in August! What’s not to like about hanging out in the sunshine! Why Not Wednesdays will be back next summer! Thanks to those who came out in June and August!

Club Breakfast was held on Sunday, April 7th! Tue, 26 Mar 2024 15:15:41 +0000 Continue reading Club Breakfast was held on Sunday, April 7th! ]]> A nice time was had at our annual club breakfast at the Birchwood Grill in Kenosha. We enjoyed each other’s company while enjoying a great buffet breakfast. Thank you to all the members and landowners who attended our event! We sincerely thank all our landowners and club volunteers for their donation of land and time to our club and sport!

Club Trip to Munising! January 2024 Tue, 23 Jan 2024 15:32:12 +0000 Continue reading Club Trip to Munising! January 2024 ]]> A few members (seven to be exact) gave it a go and headed to Munising for our club trip at The Buckhorn Resort. Snow cover was reported to be low but there was an expectation for snow on Friday and Saturday night. Low and behold, it happened as predicted! YAY!

The group rode together both days and enjoyed decent trails and low traffic. On Sunday, quite literally we were “busting trail” with a foot of new snow! The group went to “Big Springs” (Kitch-iti-Kipi) and rode to Miner’s Castle overlook. It was a great trip!

Some photos of our trip!

First Aid – What to do if someone if injured on the trail! Tue, 09 Jan 2024 17:19:52 +0000 Continue reading First Aid – What to do if someone if injured on the trail! ]]> Prairie Riders hosted a first aid presentation for snowmobilers at 6 p.m., Wednesday, January 17, 2024 (before our meeting at 7 p.m.) at the Brat Stop.

Lt. Mark Ericson from the Bristol Fire Department gave us an introduction to trail side first aid with an emphasis on “Stopping the Bleed”. Bristol Fire and Rescue is willing to teach anyone interested in this topic or learning CPR, fire safety, etc. Just reach out to them. Here are a few photos from the presentation.

Oh what fun we have! Christmas 2023 Fri, 05 Jan 2024 16:35:57 +0000 Continue reading Oh what fun we have! Christmas 2023 ]]> On Wednesday, December 20th, 2023, the club gathered to celebrate the holiday season together. Over 80 members attended the dinner at The Birchwood Grill in Kenosha. Santa made a visit and all children 12 and under received a present! The club held silent auctions, raffles and did a collection of items and money for Women and Children’s Horizons, a local charity that helps victims of sexual violence and abuse. We collected over $500 cash and hundreds of dollars worth of items! It was a great night for our amazing club!

Meeting Time Changed to 7 p.m. Mon, 02 Oct 2023 02:37:15 +0000 New for the 2023-2024 season!

Based on our membership survey, our meetings will now begin at 7 p.m. Most meetings are held at the famous Brat Stop in the Wisconsin Room. Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month. New members are always welcome! Check our Facebook page for any location changes

Corporate Sponsors Sought Mon, 25 Sep 2023 18:51:22 +0000 Continue reading Corporate Sponsors Sought ]]> Businesses have the opportunity to support snowmobiling by becoming a corporate sponsor. Any business can become a Prairie Riders Corporate Sponsor for $50. By doing this, you not only belong to one of the largest and most active snowmobile clubs in the area, but you also become a sponsor of the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC) and receive a host of benefits for very little expense.

Commercial Sponsor Benefits for Businesses

Locally – Attracts and increases customer base all year long! Snowmobilers support businesses that support snowmobiling.
Politically – Builds political capital. Elected officials support businesses that support the community.
Statewide Advertising – Get your hyperlink on the AWSC website and two commercial sponsor pull-outs in Wisconsin Snowmobile News magazine.
AWSC Benefits – Corporate sponsors receive all AWSC membership benefits offered to individual and family Memberships.
• 7 WSN Magazines – includes 2 Commercial Sponsor Pull-Outs
• Complimentary $3,000 AD&D Insurance policy
• $10 Trail Pass
• Commercial Business Decal to display in their business

Corporate members become full members of our club and enjoy all our fun activities! We also will highlight your business in our club newsletter.

If you would like to join us, please fill out our Corporate Sponsorship/membership form. The form will take you to a PayPal payment page after you submit the form. (You do not need a PayPal account to use this.) After receiving your completed Corporate Sponsorship form, we will submit your business to the AWSC.

It’s time to kick off our season with a special meeting on September 18th! Sun, 03 Sep 2023 15:42:02 +0000 Continue reading It’s time to kick off our season with a special meeting on September 18th! ]]> On Wednesday, September 18th, we will kick off the 2024-25 Snowmobile Season! The meeting will be at The Brat Stop in Kenosha at 7:00 p.m. (Come at 6:30 p.m. to socialize before the meeting!) The club will have some apps, drinks, and a 50/50 raffle! We also have a special guest. AWSC President, Lori Heideman, will attend our first meeting of the season! She will share all the happenings at the state level, and answer any questions you may have about snowmobiling in Wisconsin!

New members are absolutely welcome to attend and join our club! If you would like to join before the meeting, here is the link!

Special Guest at our first meeting!

When Do the Trails Open in Kenosha County? Thu, 07 Oct 2021 02:21:33 +0000 Continue reading When Do the Trails Open in Kenosha County? ]]> In Kenosha County, there is no official legal date — or ordinance, anywhere in the state — that decrees when the trails open. It is up to the local county, clubs, etc., as to when they are marked and ready. Then, they will open.

Obviously, it differs in different parts of the state, depending on their local snow conditions and their progress in completing the trail marking/preparation.

For the most up-to-date information on trail conditions in Kenosha County, call the hotline at 262-671-4944.

Also see Are the Trails Open Yet? for more information.

Who Sells Wisconsin Snowmobile Trail Passes Thu, 07 Oct 2021 02:18:41 +0000 Continue reading Who Sells Wisconsin Snowmobile Trail Passes ]]> Aside from a few select exempt classifications*, all snowmobiles operating on a Wisconsin snowmobile trail or corridor must display a valid snowmobile trail pass whether registered in Wisconsin or another state.

Current Prairie Riders Members

If you are a member in good standing with the Prairie Riders for the current season, see this post for more information about buying a trail pass. 

Non-Member Wisconsin Residents

If you are not a current member of the Prairie Riders and need a Wisconsin snowmobile trail pass immediately,  see the options below.

If you are:

    • A current member of an AWSC-recognized club member who has a Wisconsin-registered snowmobile – You must have your AWSC member number (shown on your yellow membership card and on the cover of Wisconsin Snowmobile News) and your Wisconsin registration number. All trail passes are delivered by US mail but if you buy online, a temporary trail use receipt is issued to operate legally on snowmobile trails. Carry the receipt with you until your pass is delivered by US mail and affixed to your snowmobile’s windshield.
      Trail pass cost: $10
      Order at
    • Not a current member of an AWSC-recognized snowmobile club but you do have a Wisconsin-registered snowmobile trail pass  – for a snowmobile registered in Wisconsin. All Wisconsin snowmobile trail passes will be shipped by US Mail within 2 business days to the address specified. A temporary trail use receipt is issued to operate legally on snowmobile trails. Carry the receipt with you until your pass is delivered by the US mail and affixed to your snowmobile’s windshield.
      Trail pass cost: $30
      Order online from the DNR or get from an in-person sales agent

If you not are a Wisconsin resident

If a nonresident needs a Wisconsin snowmobile trail pass immediately and you are:

  • A current member of an AWSC-recognized club member who has a Wisconsin-registered snowmobile. Nonresidents of Wisconsin can register their snowmobiles in Wisconsin and join an AWSC-recognized club and qualify for a discounted trail pass as long as both registration and membership are in good standing. To purchase a snowmobile trail pass, you must have your AWSC member number (shown on your yellow membership card and on the cover of Wisconsin Snowmobile News) and your Wisconsin registration number. All trail passes are delivered by US mail but if you buy online, a temporary trail use receipt is issued to operate legally on snowmobile trails. Carry the receipt with you until your pass is delivered by US mail and affixed to your snowmobile’s windshield.
    Trail pass cost: $10
    Order at
  • Nonresident snowmobile trail pass ($50) – If you do not qualify for a discounted trail pass as a nonresident (see above), you must purchase a nonresident snowmobile trail pass. for a snowmobile registered in or in the process of being registered in another state, province or country. Available online, or at sales agent. All Wisconsin snowmobile trail passes will be shipped by US Mail within 2 business days to the address specified. A temporary trail use receipt is issued to operate legally on snowmobile trails. Carry the receipt with you until your pass is delivered by the U.S. Mail and affixed to your snowmobile’s windshield.
    Trail pass cost: $50
    Order online from the DNR or get from an in-person sales agent

In summary, the snowmobile trail pass fee is dependent upon whether the snowmobile for which you are purchasing the trail pass is registered in Wisconsin and whether the owner of that snowmobile is a member of a snowmobile club and the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC). You will need both your regsistration number and your AWSC member number, and they must match. The DNR will not honor refund requests if the snowmobile’s owner purchases a full-priced snowmobile trail pass and later purchases a club member pass at the discounted rate.

Snowmobile trail pass fees are non-refundable.

Why Does Wisconsin Have a Snowmobile Trail Pass?

Revenue generated from the sale of snowmobile registrations and Wisconsin Trail Passes goes to the segregated snowmobile account, which is used to maintain and develop Wisconsin’s snowmobile trails. Wisconsin’s trails are USER-FUNDED, not state funded. Your trail pass dollars are used to create, groom, brush and otherwise maintain Wisconsin snowmobile trails.

Wisconsin snowmobile trails are made possible by snowmobile club volunteers who provide the labor to brush, sign and groom the trails and the landowners who allow trails to cross their property.

For more details on finding a WI snowmobile club to join or further details on the WI Trail Pass, please visit the AWSC website at For more information on the Trail Pass and snowmobiling in WI, visit the WI DNR website at and search “snowmobile” or call 1.888.936.7463.

*The following snowmobiles are exempt from displaying a trail pass:

  • a snowmobile owned by the U.S., another state or political subdivision thereof if the owner’s name is displayed on the cowling.
  • a snowmobile that is present in this state for a period not to exceed 15 days provided it is used exclusively as part of an advertisement being used for the manufacturer of the snowmobile.
  • a snowmobile that is 35 years or older and displays antique registration.

Wisconsin snowmobile registration is effective for 3 years and costs $30.
